Friday, September 5, 2008


For the last few days my sleeping pattern have been haywired. Nowadays I can't fall asleep after midnight. In fact, my bedtime used to be around midnight. My sleeping time has shifted to about 5 to 6 hours later. I'm now officially on Europe time. And when I sleep, I could sleep up to 12 hours straight and that just messes up my sleep the next night. This morning is no exception. I guess I might as well bore myself to sleep by writing something here.
Just now Nic and myself went to pax Bunny's 1st flight with Dave, an instructor known for his super-duper-high standard in flying. We were surprised how nice he was departing from the various stories we've heard before. So I guess rumours are not exactly correct or it might just be Bunny's charm. I guess on first impression Bunny scored big time tonight.

Unfortunately for him, we were caught unaware of the weather building up in Pingelly, one of our waypoint for tonight. It was kindda scary because we didn't actually know what we're going into and the weather information was rather limited in the air. So we made the most prudent decision of all. Divert back and live to fly another day.

Now, back to imagining that my bed and pillow is just like this fluffy cloud and I might catch a wink or two.


Anonymous said...

Roll, what's the meaning of "pax" when u said "..Nic and myself went to pax Bunny's ..."

Rollt said...

'pax' is the term we use when you're the passenger. Its a way we learn by observing other people's flight.Also used for pilots flying commercial passenger as opposed those carrying 'cargo'