Saturday, September 27, 2008

Cleared Round 4!

Round 4! Start!
The fight begins from the bed. Psychological warfare starts from the time you wake up. You think you're good enough but the person sitting next to you will try their very best to bring you down. You try to keep your spirits high throughout the two and half hours of something that should be enjoyable.
Aim high, hit lower. Always be on your guard! If you identify flying with boxing, then the left hand guard is HSI, right hand guard is the Altimeter.. and your aim is always the Altitude indicator.
As the fight ends, there was no clear winner. The judges retreated to delibrate on the show they had just seen. Finally the verdict is out! The contender won with just a narrow margin! The judges weren't exactly impressed. He just slipped through this final stage! He's victorious! Its marginal but a win is still a win!
I guess I'm just blabbering out the words of wisdom from my instructor as well as what just happened this afternoon. Not a fantastic finish at the moment but a closure nevertheless. I think I should be going head over heels about it but I'm not. Not sure what's missing from the picture. Arghh.. for now I just wanna relax for a while. Tomorrow I'll worry about improving myself. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
My heart goes out to the rest who's in my same predicament. I really hope all our guys from 126.07 get through this unscathed. God do I pray everybody will be fine.

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