Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What am I doing here?

One wonders when she/he reads my blog if I'm here in Perth for holidays or training. Well, I'm here for training but there's more news of me travelling here and there simply because there's not so much actual training going on to date.

I'm almost 3 months here and yet the progress of training is crawling snail pace. I'm not 'complaining' but its just that we're so used to working all the time (this is especially true for a Foochow like me. Well, probably I emulated my dear mum. She had to do something at home like hand wash clothes etc even though she's retired). But situation is as such and thus I need to make the most out of it. Just that knowing me, I work better when there's dateline, some pressure and something to do! Without all this, my motivation just dips off the chart and everything else (like going for exercise, shower, eat) is shelved...

Luckily there's people like Nic that I can go to gym with or play tennis or table tennis (not to mention beating him most of time inculcate that feel good effect).

Anyways, sleeping is now major part of my daily activity. Well, with this public announcement that I want to turn all that around, I have no excuses except to execute it to my best of abilities..
Macha and me catching fourty winks

1 comment:

阿虎 said...

Welcome to the kelab. Kelab tidur lah tu