Saturday, September 22, 2007

Don't wanna do anything!

Do you get this feeling at times, when you just don't feel like doing anything? But its at these times when you push yourselves, you achieve the best results? Was just wondering if its just phsychological because when you think of the worst, but then you actually obtain something better the difference is so much that you actually felt that you've done better!

Well, today is one of the days where I could hope to sleep in and have a slow start for the day. I have still outstanding stuffs to be taken care of but the motivation is not quite there. Arrrggh!

I wish I could just chill out like this guy here with his cool didgeridoo. Even the name of the instrument sounded so cool. Maybe I'll look for this guy and "pai si fu" when I ran out of work to do. Otherwise, I think I might just hang upside down like the other guy. Even then, doing handstands is hard work....

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