ATIS information Zulu. Temperature -1degC. Result: Perth is one big freezer. Consequence: As shown in the photo. Call me 'sakai' (Sarawakians will know what it means) or whatever... I was quite excited seeing frost with my own eyes. Guess I can say I've seen every facade of Perth.. rain, shine, thunderstorm, frost. Oh yes, frost gives you that Christmassy feeling which I hope to spend time with my love in Singapore.

Single flower frosted flower on the field
Even on the leafy plant

Ice droplets on the grass. Wonders of God's creation
Current hairstyle is the in thing.. almost same length as the frosted grass. Photographed by Fadhli
Frosted even my balls the tennis ball
wah.... tengok pun syok. do you guys have snow there?
here at rio, we also are having cold days. Saw in newspaper just now, we had coldest temp 11deg. No wonder its so hard to get up nowadays. I put my alarm at 5:40, only to wake up at 6:10.
No snow yet.. this is as close as we get. Heard rumours that nearest mountain range down south starts to snow though.
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