Its been almost a week since The Passing. (as JRR Tolken calls the Shire Reckoning as day one this shall be my bench mark for time being). Took the LOTR book from home which I had bought for almost a year or so but never manage to read it. Would try to finish it during my course of training here (how I wish we already have auto-pilot so I can finish the book during long navigation flights).
Nic and me having solo drinks after our 1st solo
It seems like there's lots of things happening the one week since I'm back here. Flew two solos on my own time and pace (and Iswen pointed out that I was quite privilaged to be able to do solos on Runway 30 as beginners normally don't get to do it). Well, it was really fun indeed to be up there all alone (well, there's other planes ahead and behind you and there's the tower buzzing in the background).. but yeah, you're quite alone and its peaceful up there.
Then there was the 127 initiation which I manage to keep clean record of not being drunk. I really hope that Alvin never ever get to see this or else I'll be in big trouble. Then we went shopping for Levi's on Friday.. it was a steal at 50% off. Got each of us (Nic and me) a denim jacket and we're pretty satisfied with it. Was pondering a jeans but it'll be unnecessary for now and I think my return luggage would have exceeded its limits.
Then we celebrated with Kai his Jonas' 1st birthday (we really don't need much reason to have a celebration at all). As usual, with every birthday, Sandeep just seems to get it.
I almost got stripped in my own room, Kai and Deep got a huge spider pet in their room etc etc. Oh yes, about the spider, it was huge and had this ferocious looking fangs.. hairy and all too! But we being kind souls let it back to the wilderness.
Then there was the 127 initiation which I manage to keep clean record of not being drunk. I really hope that Alvin never ever get to see this or else I'll be in big trouble. Then we went shopping for Levi's on Friday.. it was a steal at 50% off. Got each of us (Nic and me) a denim jacket and we're pretty satisfied with it. Was pondering a jeans but it'll be unnecessary for now and I think my return luggage would have exceeded its limits.
I almost got stripped in my own room, Kai and Deep got a huge spider pet in their room etc etc. Oh yes, about the spider, it was huge and had this ferocious looking fangs.. hairy and all too! But we being kind souls let it back to the wilderness.
We also had BBQ at Deep's place to celebrate Fong's solo.. many a lewd photos were taken there but we'll keep that for our own eyes only!!Good food all the way until our stomach can't
take it!

Too many things to write and I still gotta prepare for a stepping stone flight tomorrow. It'll be my 1st return to training area after clearing my solos. The practice is basically for emergency in case we need to land when there's no airport around. 
Guess I'll just have to disect this into sections and present my case over the next few days.. which I hope would be calm over the next few days... nice spidey, dun come into my room ya....
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