Monday, December 31, 2007

St. Thomas Moore

This is where I go for masses every weekend. I realize I haven't posted anything just for the sake of being secular (not!). Anyways, I took some photos of the church but photos does not do justice to the actual feeling when you're there. The church building itself is not really eye catching if you actually pass by it. Unlike the architecture in Singapore, most modern church here looks quite utilitarian rather than aesthetic. But on the contrary, the old church here looks majestic compared to Singapore church that I've seen maybe except St. Andrews above City Hall MRT.
In general, the Sunday evening masses are normally more lively since they're animated by the youths. There are 2 priest and 1 deacon serving the parish. The Aussie priest (Fr. Michael Keating) is quite old but he's quite funny. He always starts a sermon with a story. Then there's a young Asian priest (Fr. Thai - don't think he's from Siam though- Burmese maybe). There used to be another young priest but he's been transferred to other parish (Fr Clayton).
Next year being the host for World Youth Day, they decorated the Church with the themes from that event. In front of the altar is a Christmas crib recently set up during this Nativity season. Well, it reminds me when we build an actual full size manger in Sarikei for Christmas (sigh.. no photos of it as a momento). I wonder whether they still keep the tradition there now?

Cycle cycle cycle

Still excited with my new toy, I'm exploring surroundings of Jandakot for the moment. But I'm pretty impressed with the facilities for bikes. You'll see signboards indicating how far it is from the destination of interest and there's dedicated bike / pedestrian path which is made of asphalt concrete (or more commonly known as bitumen in Commonwealth countries). There's plenty of signs saying where bicycle lane ends or starts. So you just need to look out cause its definitely idiot proof.

Cycled to South Lake and saw few birds with the crooked beak like the statue in the picture above. I'm still trying to figure out what's the name of the bird. Can't take pictures using my camera phone cause they just look like white dots with green grass background. Anybody with bird watching interest have any idea the name of the species?

In the end I found a website with the picture of the bird and its called Australian Ibis!! Hurray!!

Friday, December 28, 2007

My Christmas Present (BYO!)

Normally I don't really wish for anything for Christmas. But this year, I've bought myself something special. Something I've always wanted since young. Most of my younger days I cycle everywhere. We'd even cycle 5kms to the swimming pool when I was in secondary school. Before my mum allows us to ride on bicycle, I had already borrowed my neighbours bike, then my classmates and any bikes I could grab for free rides.

Its not that we don't have a bicycle at home but its just that I was too short then and the only bike we had was the big wheeled made in China bike which normally the older uncles (ah Pek) ride on. Then my mum bought a lady bike which has a chopper like handle (the harley davidson style) but it was for my elder sister. It was much later during my secondary school did my mum bought a mountain bike for me. But the ultimate bike which I really wanted was a road / racing bike.

During Uni days, it was unheard of people buying racing bikes to get around (or even for recreation). Motorbike or car would be a more practical mode of transport. Then back in Kuching, cycling is definitely out of the question. I never see anybody cycle yet in Kuching....

Next thing to buy is the floating thing behind the bike

Then here in Aussie.. the chance suddenly drop in front of my feet. Perth has a big cycling community and its so established here. I must say the government provides sufficient facilities for this sport/ recreation/ exercise to blossom. They have dedicated cycling lane from Mandurah down south to north passing the city. Chance came when some fellow cadets wanted to sell his bike. The price is right. Environment is right. The interest is there. Deal!

But I'm cautious about this hobby for now. I'm on tight budget so I'm keeping everything at bare necessities. No super duper wind resistant jersey or helmet or any fancy shoes and pedals just yet (unless there's a sponsor.. say Discovery Channel??). Its a bike and it gets me places. That's the most important thing and this morning I manage to see the other side of Swan River on my bike..... magnificent!

Dog's fave past time- throw a stick and it'll fetch.. even in the river...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Tipsy on Christmas Day

I've seen people getting drunk before but never in my existance have I got that tipsy as on Christmas day. People say I look like a lobster after about 1 bottle of beer, 10 shots of liquer and 3 glasses of wine. All for fun.. but I won't do it again.. I just wanted to test my limits and I got my answer.

This is when we're still sober, and having superb meal of steak and lamb chop - alfresco. Happy Birthday Macha!!

We're half way there (Nash looks happy and I wonder what's Nic's doing)

Gone. There's few more photos after that but its just too gross. (photos by Nic and whoever got hold of my camera that night)

Moral of the story: no point doing this kids. Its a waste of good food and wine. I won't do it again. Ever. Merry Christmas to everybody out there whom I know and who's reading this. Have a Blessed New Year too!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas Pagent 07

When I asked people to join me for the Christmas Pagent in the city.. everybody stared at me and their eyes seem to ask me is there a Beauty Contest during Christmas? Its actually a Christmas Parade. Sort of like the Chap Goh Meh parade that I use to go in Sarikei on the last day of Chinese New Year. Its just as loud and colourful except that this time its Ang Moh version...
Few of us went in two cars and we parked at different place. Then we try gather at a meeting point. Unfortunately, we ended up being on the opposite side of the road and unable to cross the road because the parade was passing through.

It was a sight and sound to behold. Unfortunately my camera is unable to perform as I wish it would. Therefore, I am wishing for a Digital SLR camera this Christmas... so I can take clearer pictures at night and during the day.... anyways, some of the photos which I can discern are mostly posted here. What is funny is that Falun Gong actually participated in the parade with their own Chinese costumes and their own band!! Pretty impressive how hard they try to spread their wings....
When the parade had passed us, everybody from both side of the roads converged and joined the parade as it moves along the streets of the city. It was quite fun. We walked for a while before packing some supper of kebabs, meat pies and fries from nearby shops and went to see the Perth skyline at night. And with the nice early summer weather and couple of underaged gals asking for smoke from us, Kings Park's view of the city really made our night even more worthwhile...

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Northbridge Festival - 10-11 November 2007

We sort of like stumbled into this festival. We actually went to Northbridge aka Chinatown to have dinner at the Shed. I wanted to try out the Jack Daniel pork rib that was recommended by most of the guys who have been there. The serving was huge.. enough to feed two adults or 20 Dafur kids... (that's what our Head of Ground School Prakash liken us with).

We were wondering why most of the roads there were blocked by barriers. And then we saw huge towering guys walking around and then (Yes, I'm street smarter than a 5th Grader!) we know there must be some festivities going on! Very carnival feeling although the concept here is slightly different from Malaysia or Singapore. When you think about a carnival there, its mostly commercial settings.. people set up lots of stalls to sell drinks, foods, cars, products (like Tongkat Ali etc..). Here, there were only some stalls selling stuffs. There's a moustach painting stall which sells brushes and paint and few stalls displaying their handicraft but basically that's all. The existing cafes lining the street set up extra tables in the middle of the road so it feels like street cafes.

The Northbridge Festival is an annual event. It celebrates the liveliness of the neighbourhood which is where it is the melting pot for all sorts of culture. Compared to the city centre, more eating outlets could be found here. You'd find lotsa chinese restaurants here especially along Williams street.

The Festival itself presents events or act every hour. We manage to catch the group Strange Fruit presenting act called The Spheres. Quite an artistic presentation which I interpret as a mirror of our earth and relationship with each other. There was the Evil Queen who tries to make everyone miserable but reconciled with the rest of the characters at the end of the act.

After that was presentation by Grrilla Step which feature music and drum beats and topped by presentation by DJ Kentaro from Japan with his gold plated turntable till its midnight. I can't really appreciate the turntable performance although this guy was the 1st guy to get perfect 10 score for some turntable competition in 2002.

At the end of the day and after a Latte from Dome, I had to conclude that I was happy I went to City that day.. don't think I would be here next year to see the next instalment of Northbridge Festival but I'll definitely lookout for what's in store at

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Settling Down...

Its been almost a week since The Passing. (as JRR Tolken calls the Shire Reckoning as day one this shall be my bench mark for time being). Took the LOTR book from home which I had bought for almost a year or so but never manage to read it. Would try to finish it during my course of training here (how I wish we already have auto-pilot so I can finish the book during long navigation flights).
Nic and me having solo drinks after our 1st solo
It seems like there's lots of things happening the one week since I'm back here. Flew two solos on my own time and pace (and Iswen pointed out that I was quite privilaged to be able to do solos on Runway 30 as beginners normally don't get to do it). Well, it was really fun indeed to be up there all alone (well, there's other planes ahead and behind you and there's the tower buzzing in the background).. but yeah, you're quite alone and its peaceful up there.

Then there was the 127 initiation which I manage to keep clean record of not being drunk. I really hope that Alvin never ever get to see this or else I'll be in big trouble. Then we went shopping for Levi's on Friday.. it was a steal at 50% off. Got each of us (Nic and me) a denim jacket and we're pretty satisfied with it. Was pondering a jeans but it'll be unnecessary for now and I think my return luggage would have exceeded its limits.

Then we celebrated with Kai his Jonas' 1st birthday (we really don't need much reason to have a celebration at all). As usual, with every birthday, Sandeep just seems to get it.

I almost got stripped in my own room, Kai and Deep got a huge spider pet in their room etc etc. Oh yes, about the spider, it was huge and had this ferocious looking fangs.. hairy and all too! But we being kind souls let it back to the wilderness.
We also had BBQ at Deep's place to celebrate Fong's solo.. many a lewd photos were taken there but we'll keep that for our own eyes only!!Good food all the way until our stomach can't take it!
Too many things to write and I still gotta prepare for a stepping stone flight tomorrow. It'll be my 1st return to training area after clearing my solos. The practice is basically for emergency in case we need to land when there's no airport around.
Guess I'll just have to disect this into sections and present my case over the next few days.. which I hope would be calm over the next few days... nice spidey, dun come into my room ya....