About half an hour drive from Jandakot, we went south along the Kwinana Freeway. As we are about to exit off the Freeway, we saw some signs saying fresh strawberries for sale. Well, being strawberry deprived, went made the detour to the small farm and bought a $4 pack worth of strawberry. Although the size of the berries are small and medium, it is one of the sweetest strawberries that we've tasted (endorsed by 4 cadet pilots).
The day was too cold for a beach outing. I was in my shorts but everyone else were in their jeans. There's nobody in sight on the beach as well. Well, quickly took some snapshots of photo and off we go for dinner since most of us are hungry. Couple of typical restaurants are available: fish and chips, kebabs, KFC, Chicken Treat and a non typical - Roasters. So, I went for a beef roaster which comes with vegetables. I wasn't disappointed at all. It was quite filling but I manage to squeeze in some pretty decently priced fish and chips.
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