Can a person's life change overnight? I certainly believe so now. My heart is split in two. I felt like I'm cheating my wife, but at the same time, it the mutual feeling shared by Felicia.
I think I should come clean here.. I am no longer just married. Now I have to share my time and love between Felicia and Isabelle. Both names sound so sweet. But now just looking at Isabelle makes my heart melt. Yes, its a dirty job but somebody just gotta do it. Its not a simple thing to do, but it doesn't take much effort and motivation to do it.
You'd think she's angel and at times she's the devil as well. I know there will come a time when she'll break your heart and also make you so proud you want to burst from within. But for now.. lets savour her baby smell. The touch, the crying, the sleepless nights, the smelly diapers, the first time she smiles, flips over, says 'mama' and 'dada', her first solid food will all come to pass in the blink of an eye.
I'm just happy to be here at the present.