HDB prices going up or going down? Harder to buy and sell new apartment? Noisy roadside traffic and constructions? Noisy maid banging on the pastel and mortar? Who cares? This is my lair, my den and I'm proud of it! Gonna start missing this view when I'm away flying..
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Election is Coming!
Dear Folks of Kingdom Of Sarawak!
Hear 'ye hear 'ye. The election is coming 'ere soon. All over the internet, ye hear folks rambling their thoughts of the tyrant government and unjust treatment of the native caretakers of the land of Hornbill. Hear ye then if ye want a change for the better. Ye decide!
Ye go to this website and ye see if ye is registered as a voter. If ye 're, then go forth and vote when the time comes. But if ye is outside Malaysia then how?
This website says ye try to REGISTER at the Malaysian embassy or High Commission. I say try 'cause this service is not always available overseas. Heck, even in Malaysia ye would have trouble registering what more to say overseas. I was just reading some comments on website about some people trying to register but they were told that they ran out of form in Malaysia!! What the hell, just photocopy more of the form idiot! For that matter, they need 'special' forms printed from KL to be used!!? ('special' means the forms are printed using normal printers but since the job is contracted to some cronies of the government, they charge extra $ for that little piece of paper, which then the information is transferred into computer and then the paper will be left to decompose, forgotten and filled with cobwebs)
If ye 're overseas as I mentioned just now, its only to register as a voter OK? Under the overseas voter category if ye 're a civilian then ye have to go back to vote during the actual day. Not very fair and productive ye think? Only government servants get to do postal votes. Queer (as Enid Blyton always puts it) don't ya think?
Good luck folks! I'm registered and I'll see what changes I'll make! How about you? Time to stand up and be heard!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Time and theory of relativity
I remembered when I was young, I read about this theory of relativity presented in simplified form. If a guy has an identical twin brother, and you send this guy up into space to a distant planet few light years away. And if he completes the journey and come back, he may felt that he had just been away for 2 years for this guy. But in reality, on earth, 50 years may have passed and his twin brother may already be an old man on earth
Or something along that line.
Another way to explain theory of relativity: A person in love would feel time passes so slowly when he's away from his sweetheart but when he's around her, an hour passes at the twink of an eye.
For me, time just passes by so fast everyday. I should be studying and doing things that's important. But all I'm doing is Facebooking most of the time, read online news and suddenly its evening!! Books are left untouched, outdoor activities are non-existent, house is in a mess and I've yet to clean my lunch plates but I'll do it later..... You get what I mean.
The wierd thing is that there's should be so much time and yet, discipline and morale is low. I know I wanted to do all this things before nightfall because I want to spend quality nights with my babies (one big baby and one small baby.. gotcha.. you'd think I had another baby didn't you?!?)
I know I gotta make the change. This bad procastinating habit has to go. Time isn't slowing down and yet things need to be done. Its time for change! For all I know, time is accelerating because your body and mind slows down as you get older (theory of inner relativity?).
From today onwards; study, housework and exercises has to be accomplished before nightfall. Few more hours to go and by sundown, its time for family and friends. How I wish Einstein's theory does not apply to me. I'd like time to slow down all the time!
The bosses have spoken!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Not so wise anymore
My right and left wisdoms
Right wisdom came out in multiple pieces. This was extracted one year ago.
Right wisdom in 2 pieces for my yesterday's operation. Different tooth extraction technique? I guess different dental schools do produce different quality of dentist.
Of all the wisdom in the world, there is one that pains you most. The dental knowledge. Better not scare the kids around the world. Dentist is a fun, nice and funny person. Actually I like going to the dentist cause everytime I'm done, I know I'd go home a cleaner person.
Here I would like to diverge a bit on the statement of being a cleaner person. The exception for this statement is the one time that I went to a run down Sarikei dental clinic near the wharf - paid a hefty sum for a 10mins job not well done at all! Never have I seen a dentist who works with such a primitive tools and no proper lighting at all! The dentist had to strap on a headlamp (like the ones you use when you go caving; or when we go night flying in small aircraft). I swear on my wisdom tooth that never again will I sink my teeth in that clinic again!
Back to the whole point of this entry.. This blog is dedicated to the one thing I had, which I don't need but when you lost it.. its blardy painful ok!? Not to scare the kids, again... its not that painful at the moment because I'm still feeling numb in my cheek and my tongue. Its kindda funny that when you numb your tongue, you can't really speek properly. Opps.. I guess it affects the fingers too!
Anyways, this is my second time and my last time extracting my tooth (and I swear on my tooth that I'll never do it again!). Its a pity they had to go cause my mouth is too crammed to fit all the teeth in place. My recently adopted motto is: 'Don't fix what's not broken' seems very appropriate here. I wouldn't want to do any artificial or surgical procedures to my body unless situation warrants it (hell ya.. I'm happy with the rest of my body parts man.. hint hint).
Both my lower wisdom tooth was growing sideways due to space constrain. Its wierd considering most people I know would say I have very big mouth and still this happens. Useless crying over spilled milk now. This year I thought I'd do the operation in a family clinic, away from the city, nearer to my place. The dentist was chatty and claimed that he is very good at what he does, he offers the cheapest teeth whitening programme in the whole of Singapore and so forth.
Must say he was fairly quicker, slightly less discomfort (but hey, its tooth extraction.. don't expect it to be as painless as hair cut or manicure). He also said I'd feel the difference in post-operation which would be less painful than my last operation. That is yet to be seen since its less than 4 hours since I lost part of me....
What surprises me is the whooping bill! Wow.. I didn't know it cost almost a grand just to go through a one hour of tooth extraction (careful what you write and say... a tooth extraction is different from operation!). I didn't know about this cause last time everything was done paperlessly. This time around... I had to pay upfront for the CPF medisave portion. Wow.. that's a lot of money for an hour of your time doc!
Well, I guess it pays to be a doctor.. but even more to be a dentist!
So long my tooth, farewell.. you have not done much for me except bring me pain. I hope that you won't cause any more misery to the world. I kept wondering now as I keep typing to ease my discomfort, why do people call you wisdom. Is it even possible to lose the thing I have yet to gain. Farewell, I'll visit you every now and then in a jar for inspiration.
p.s. Will take photo of the wisdom in jar and post it here. Provided the fairy didn't get to it 1st.
Friday, June 4, 2010
BTC High rise litters
Got very sick today. Sick to my stomach these people never learn. Still continue to throw rubbish down the kitchen window. Damn pissed. This afternoon, it suddenly rained very heavily. Then as I was rushing to close the windows, there it is. A bundle of hair wrapped in tissue paper, hanging on our window!
I got so pissed I shouted upwards (not to God), but to the low-life-btc-killer litter who stayed above our unit. Desperate measure needs to be taken. This is not the 1st time. We had endless tissue papers, food in tissue papers, corroded blades (yes! blades=knifes), toys and I just saw a nail cutter which landed at the ledge of the unit below mine! Bloody hell.. where does these people come from!?
Anyways, like I said, this calls for 'shock' treatment. I just sent the rubbish they threw down up! But how to make sure the correct people get the message?
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Happy Wesak and Happy Gawai!
Happy Wesak to everyone celebrating it! There was an exhibition at Orchard Road themed passport to happiness. Quite catchy theme and nice setup as well. I keep trying to take photo of the Buddha being blessed by believers.
I have no photos of any people celebrating Gawai here.. so.. this is the closes photo I took with regards to the celebration- A pure Iban warrior! WOoooooHaaaa!

I am Ironman!
Haven't found a proper time to catch Ironman 2 in cinemas but I'm sure its a blast! One of the weekends I saw this man in the suit inside Taka's kids department (Hey! I'm still one big kid!) - mommy, can I get the suit? Would be super fun! Now.. where's the villain?
Nahhh.. this is not the villain... this is a baby with a bear patch over the forehead... though she's trying her best to look nasty!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
No time to study but got time for blog :)
I always have this funny habit. If I'm free, I won't get anything done. But if I'm starting to get busy, then I'll start to be productive and everything will start to fall in place.
I was suppose to study for tomorrow (1st official day in Sim!), but now its lunch time, I started cooking 'nugget de la bruchetta' (nugget with bruchetta?). Anyways, not only did I cook it.. I manage to write it down on my long abandoned blog!! I've been 'free' all this while but no updates here at all ya..
My newly improved study corner.. brightly lit! (3M light you see...). Somehow there's a higher level of organization on this chaotic table
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Oh Isabelle oh Isabelle
Can a person's life change overnight? I certainly believe so now. My heart is split in two. I felt like I'm cheating my wife, but at the same time, it the mutual feeling shared by Felicia.
I think I should come clean here.. I am no longer just married. Now I have to share my time and love between Felicia and Isabelle. Both names sound so sweet. But now just looking at Isabelle makes my heart melt. Yes, its a dirty job but somebody just gotta do it. Its not a simple thing to do, but it doesn't take much effort and motivation to do it.
You'd think she's angel and at times she's the devil as well. I know there will come a time when she'll break your heart and also make you so proud you want to burst from within. But for now.. lets savour her baby smell. The touch, the crying, the sleepless nights, the smelly diapers, the first time she smiles, flips over, says 'mama' and 'dada', her first solid food will all come to pass in the blink of an eye.
I'm just happy to be here at the present.
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