Wednesday, April 23, 2008
So Bored
I am so bored that I had some drink and I got a bad hangover due to it. And then I can't sleep at nights because I slept during the day due to boredom. What more can I say... oh, and I will not gulp down red wine ever again. Ever. It gives you bad headache and stomach ache and makes you overeat.. well.. it could be signs of boredom in the first place. Dejavu.. its the feeling of phase 1 all over again....
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Unconventional Photo
I'm definitely taking Freeways whenever I drive next time. When Felicia was here for the last trip, I thought it'll be a good idea to take minor roads just for a change of scenery. Bad idea. Suddenly at a corner, a flash with lightning-like intensity caught my eyes. Problem is its not even raining in Perth at that time. I was doing over 60km/h at the downhill road (you know how it defies logic to press brake downhill when its safe to just let it roll downhill?)
And sure enough, it was a nicely set up speed camera in front of a bus stop. I'm not exactly happy with what had just happened but I didn't want to express it because its suppose to be a holiday for her. A month or so passed since and there wasn't any news of it. I thought that I might just be lucky and got away with it. Then at last I got a letter last two days. Most people was actually quite amused when they saw it because the letter actually comes with a photo of the driver. I guess I got a unique 'souvenir' from the Perth police. Problem is the 'souvenir' cost $75...
Monday, April 7, 2008
Amazing Albany (Pt 2)
Albany boys aka Nic, Macha and Me planned for the Albany flight during one of the marginal days. To boldly go where no one has gone before... not exactly accurate because many cadets before us went there as part of our requirement. It wasn't exactly the best weather forecast to go down south. But with winter days coming in on us, it was probably worthwhile to give it a shot.
The trip there was uneventful except for the low hanging fluffy cumulus which didn't totally cover the sky. Half of the time the clear blue sky take a peek with the sun shining down to the ground. As we approach Albany, the majestic Stirling Range suddenly appeared to our left looking like one of the scenes from LOTR. Too bad the visibility was quite low but from what I understand from my roommate, during the flight there, the visibility was even worse than that. So I guess I'll have to start counting my blessings.

Stirling Range from two different point of view. Top one looks better but the bottom one has the overall view
The weather was much better at Albany itself. The sun is everywhere with some patches of clouds. The airport itself was quite busy with aircrafts coming in and out of the airport. Initially what we imagine as a relaxing one hour break there turned out to be at most 15 minutes break with the remaining time used up to refuel and for necessary planning to go back.
The wind turbine (or wind farm) overlooking Southern Ocean
Does this look like Rio to you Jim? View of King George Sound.
As predicted, the weather was closing in on us and therefore on our leg back, the cold fronts was pouring its heart out. Lucky for us again that its in patches and therefore we could maneuver our way around to get back. It was somewhat of a different experience because normally we'd only fly in good weather. This being our last navigation, it was truly an adventure of its own to experience the marginal weather. To feel the excitement of flying again. It also enforces the need that safety always comes first when it comes to flying and the appreciation of life (here's looking at ya babe!).
What a way to end the visual navigation chapter!
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